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IPL / SHR Hair Removal

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IPL & SHR hair removal

What is IPL hair removal?

IPL is an aesthetic treatment generally involving intense pulses of light with the purpose of removing unwanted hair. The process is kind of similar to wearing dark colours when it’s sunny outside, in this case the darker pigments or melanin help the hair absorb light from the intense pulses causing the hair to go into a ‘resting’ phase, where the hair doesn’t grow.

Typically, the hair falls out after one to three weeks and gradually less hair grows in the target area as the hair follicle is damaged.

What is SHR hair removal?

SHR is a newly developed technique for painless and permanent hair removal, with the treatment designed to cause long lasting damage to the hair follicle, preventing hair regrowth.

What’s the difference between IPL and SHR?

IPL only uses intense pulses of light that can heat up the skin to 70 degrees, to target melanin which makes it a great treatment, fantastic even for darker and coarse hair, but has little effect on finer hair, and it can be a very uncomfortable treatment for those with darker, more pigmented skin, as the skin will absorb more heat.

In contrast, SHR uses gentle pulses at a higher frequency, targeting both the melanin and the cells responsible for hair growth, removing both fine and darker hair more thoroughly and permanently. Because of how gently the skin is heated, the treatment causes less trauma to the skin and can be used on all skin tones.

When will I see results?

For both IPL and SHR, the best results will be seen after six sessions, although your healthcare provider may decide on more or less sessions as past patents have reported seventy % hair loss in the target area after only four sessions and the success process of the treatment depends on your hair type and growth stage, so avoid tweezing, plucking or waxing between sessions for best results.Hair will fall out within five to fourteen days after SHR. With IPL hair will begin to fall out within one to three weeks of the treatment and maintenance sessions may be required after nine to twenty-four months.

Is it safe?

Both hair removal processes are considered to be relatively safe. IPL, has minor side effects such as skin sensitivity, pain during treatment and a mild sunburn sensation. SHR has proven to be the safest light based hair removal process, especially for those with more pigmented skin. Those with larger quantities of melanin have reported sensitivity to light based hair removal, which has notably been absent with the SHR treatment, making it suitable for all skin types.


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