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PRP/ Vampire Facial

Learn more about our PRP/Vampire Facial treatments today !


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PRP / Vampire Facial

A PRP facial rejuvenation, also known as a vampire facial, is an advanced skincare treatment method that harnesses your body’s own natural power to heal itself. It is often called a vampire facial because it involves drawing your blood.


The so-called Vampire Facial has been made famous in recent years by Kim Kardashian and involves the use of PRP therapy, or Platelet Rich Plasma therapy.


This is a treatment that offers an alternative to traditional, more expensive and more invasive treatments that involve more downtime.


As PRP contains a high concentration of platelets, growth factors and stem cells it is used to stimulate elastin and collagen in the skin.


Microneedling is used to deliver the platelet rich plasma to the skin on the face.


This helps to encourage the body’s healing mechanism to kick in and is the most effective way to introduce the PRP.


What are the benefits of PRP?


  • Reduced appearance of scars
  • Firmer and smoother skin texture
  • Reduced appearance of pores
  • Decreased areas of darkened skin and sun spots
  • More even and balanced skin tone
  • Reduced or softened stretch marks
  • Reduced scars caused by acne
  • Smoother and less obvious wrinkles and fine lines




What does a vampire facial do?

A vampire facial, clinically known as a PRP facial, involves drawing blood, extracting the platelets, and then using them to trick your facial skin into beginning the healing process, in order to boost the production of healthy substances created by the body that are essential for healthy skin. This includes the boosting of collagen production, as well as elastin and, and it also tightens the skin, which reduces fine lines and wrinkles.


Does a vampire facial really work?

Vampire facials have a track record of improving the evenness of the skin tone, the tightness of the skin, and reducing pores. Like any non-invasive aesthetic procedure, vampire facials are no substitute for cosmetic surgery, but they do provide results that customers are generally happy with. Vampire facials give clients tighter skin, decreased sun spots, reduced stretch marks, and more.


Does a vampire facial hurt?

As with any type of injection, such as a vaccine or blood test, the client will feel an initial sharp scratch as blood is drawn for the procedure. Many businesses then choose to apply a numbing cream to the face, to hinder discomfort during the application of the platelets to the face, as there may be small levels of pain and/or discomfort during the application process, that should subside after the facial has been completed.


What should I not do after a vampire facial?

For at least five hours, your skin needs to be undisturbed. This means no washing your face, no high heat, and no activities that may encourage you to sweat. These activities would include blow drying your hair, using a sauna, or vigorous exercise. Makeup should be avoided for 24 hours after the treatment, and a mild antibiotic cream is recommended after five hours has elapsed since the application.

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