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HB Beauty & Aesthetics

Vitamin Boosters

Learn more about our vitamin boosters today !


Book your free consultation and explore your options with a vitamin booster consultation and find the best and most appropriate vitamin booster treatments for you.

Vitamin boosters

What are Vitamin boosters?

Vitamin boosters are regular & recurring injections designed to support one’s immune system. As the boosters are injected directly into the muscle tissue, the body can benefit from the quick absorption of the injected vitamins, nutrients and antioxidants, much more than with food or oral supplements, improving immune health and boosting energy levels, with minimal side effects or down time.

What are the benefits of Vitamin boosters?

Vitamin injections are generally considered to be safe, with no major side effects Upon deciding which vitamin treatment is right for you, you can enjoy a whole host of benefits, from boosting immune health and energy levels, combating fatigue, improving the symptoms of allergies and asthma, as well as anxiety and depression, whilst improving mental clarity and cognitive function. You can even receive vitamin treatments to strengthen hair, nails, skin and eyes, reducing the appearance of wrinkles, slowing the aging process and keeping you radiant.

Do Vitamin boosters work?

Whilst these treatments are becoming increasingly more popular, particularly as a quick fix for hangovers or to help get over a stubborn cold, there is little scientific evidence or studies showing that they actually work. There have been no clinical studies to show that these vitamin injection ‘health cocktails’ have any actual health benefits or are necessary in this capacity at all. In fact in one of the few studies done, a strong placebo effect was noticed, in that patients said that they had improved when received ‘dummy’ injections.

Are there any side effects or risks?

Like with most injections there will be some mild side effects after. In this case, patients may feel pain, itchiness and swelling at the injection site, as well as nausea, dizziness and or headaches.

In fact, the risks of the injections outweigh any potential side effects. When it comes to vitamins and minerals in the body, too much can be very damaging. Too much vitamin A can damage your liver, adding too much potassium into the body, especially for those with kidney issues such as renal failure or kidney disease, can experience issues with their heart as a result, with the most severe risk being a heart attack. Moreover, most of these cocktails contain large quantities of water soluble vitamins C and B, which when the body cannot store anymore, are released in the urine, resulting in very expensive pee.

In the end, one should only receive or search out vitamin boosters at the recommendation of a Doctor or licensed healthcare professional.

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